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Fall is upon us as is the changing of seasons. Fall is always a good time to reflect on

how we want to finish the year and get ready for the next. It is a time where most things

become dormant preparing to survive winter in order to bloom in spring. Fall is like the

forced pause season allowing us to stop and ponder.

As I look at my first year in owning HQC, I can see what went well and what did not. I

am thankful for all the connections with people I made along the way with anticipation of

more to come. I had to change priorities and expectations. I compared my previous

working experiences with working on my own. As I worked with people I pondered how I

could be better. Better than bosses I have had or been, better than co-workers I have

been and had etc. In doing so, I hope I have grown and developed. I have used the

time to see what works for me and against me and then adjust as needed. Finally

becoming more settled.

I think I also see time differently now. Maybe because I am older and have hopefully

mellowed, I realize that time is not infinite for humans. We have an expiration date. As

a King and Country song states “what are you waiting for, wasting time like they are

making more”. Knowing this changes ones approach to work, people, projects and

priorities. Before I moved rapidly through life and projects while barely listening to what

was important to others. I know I failed many by not truly listening to understand. This is

something I have really sought to change.

So as fall approaches with its ‘natural pause, I too am paused and reflective. Grateful

for my first year and looking forward to the next. My expectations are revised and I have

found peace in what HQC is and has the potential to become. I want to spend the fall

months preparing ensuring the core of what we offer is protected through winter while

allowing for more growth in the spring. For now I am enjoying the pause knowing winter

and spring will be here soon enough.

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